About Us
17 Long Years Of Manufacturing Excellence With Quality At It's Best!
Hydrolink Engineering Equipment Company (Pvt) Limited aims at providing solutions to emerging hydropower issues and problems that are faced by various NGOs, private and government organizations. The compnay till now has executed more than 450 projects with top leading NGOs, private and government sectors nationally and at international level.
The company was formally inaugurated by Honorable Mr. David Molden, Director General of international Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) Nepal. Since the company's inception in 2008, it has played a pioneering role in the development of Mini/ Micro Hydropower plants across the country and stretched it's services abroad to countries like Afghanistan, Serbia and Nigeria.
Hydrolink Engineering Equipment Company provides Designing, Manufacturing, Procurement and Construction Services to different client particularly Government sector i.e. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization (PEDO) since 2014 and NGO sector i.e. AKRSP, SRSP, NRSP, WWF, DADO, FWF, Zaif Foundation, GIZ and AJKPDC since 2008.
At HEECO, we believe that smaller and quicker hydropower plants pave the way to a faster energy transition for all. Capitalizing on our hydropower expertise, we offer standard small hydropower solutions to the big houses.
Our goal is to make sustainable power available to everyone and to that end, we foster innovation to address tomorrow's challenges with unyielding integrity.
We manufacture machining crossflow and T-15 Crossflow turbines and we import Francis and Kaplan Turbines.
Having a successful role in Renewable Energy Sector, now HEECO has started manufacturing, reclamation and after sale services of Power Transformers. The idea is this venture came from our experience of supply and installation of power and distribution transformers for our clients/customers and druing the construction of micro and mini hydro power projects.